Possible Project Topics (CS880)
Below are some potential project topics with a few associated references.
You are encouraged to make up your own project topic,
but check with me to make sure your project topic is sufficiently relevant to the course topic.
- Distribution Testing from Conditional Samples: Paper by Canonne, Ron, Servedio
[arxiv] and Chakraborty et al. [arxiv]
- Instance Optimal Learning: Papers by Orlitsky and Theertha Suresh [pdf]
and Valiant and Valiant [pdf]
- Adaptive Data Analysis: Papers by Dwork et al. [pdf]
and [pdf]
- Dictionary Learning: Papers by Spielman, Wang and Wright [pdf],
and Blasiok and Nelson [pdf]
- Learning Graphical Models: Book-length survey by Wainright and Jordan [pdf];
paper by Bresler [arxiv]; paper by Klivans and Meka [arxiv]
- Learning Phylogenetic Trees: Papers by Cryan, Goldberg, and Goldberg [pdf]
and by Mossel and Roch [arxiv]
- Learning Topic Models: Paper by Arora, Ge, Moitra [arxiv]
- Understanding the EM algorithm: Papers by Balakrishnan, Wainright and Yu [pdf];
Xu, Hsu, Maleki [arxiv]; Daskalakis, Tzamos, Zampetakis [arxiv]
- Statistical Query Algorithms: Paper by Feldman et al. [pdf]
- Learning Linear Thresholds from their Influences: Papers by De, Diakonikolas, Feldman, Servedio [pdf]
and De, Diakonikolas, Servedio [pdf]
- Stochastic Block Model: Papers by Mossel, Neeman, Sly [arxiv]
and Moitra, Perry, Wein [arxiv]
- Nonconvex Optimization: Paper by Ge, Jin, Zheng [arxiv]
- Provable Algorithms for Learning Simple Neural Networks: Papers [arxiv],
[arxiv], and references therein.