CS760, Spring 2025
Department of Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin–Madison
There will be about 6 problem sets during the semester. Problem sets will consist of both written exercises and programming problems. Problem sets and deadlines are posted on Canvas, and solutions should be submitted there. The deadlines on the schedule page are tentative; please refer to Canvas for the exact time.
Exam format: There will be a midterm exam and a final exam. All exams will be conducted in-person. Please plan for exams at these times and let us know about any exam conflicts during the first two weeks of the semester. If an emergency arises that conflicts with the exam times, email us as soon as possible. Emergency exam conflicts will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Exam grading questions must be raised with the instructor within 72 hours after it is returned. If a regrade request is submitted for a part of a question on the exam, the grader reserves the right to regrade the entire exam and could potentially take points off.
All examinations, programming assignments, and written homeworks must be done individually. Cheating and plagiarism will be dealt with in accordance with University procedures (see the UW-Madison Academic Misconduct Rules and Procedures). Hence, for example, code for programming assignments must not be developed in groups, nor should code be shared. You are encouraged to discuss with your peers, the TA or the instructors ideas, approaches and techniques broadly, but not at a level of detail where specific implementation issues are described by anyone. If you have any questions on this, ask the instructor before you act.
Exams format: closed book, an A4 cheat sheet allowed. Note that the example exams below contain problems about contents that are NOT covered in this course. Such problems will NOT appear in our final exam.